Some Conception Regards of Sundarban

     Bangladesh has the largest mangrove forest of the world.This is called the Sundarban. Sundarban covers an area of 5,77,000 hectares of which 4,01,600 hectares are land and the remaining 1,75,400 hectares are under water in the form of rivers, canals and creeks.It is an important forest that gives us natural resources comprising timber, pulpwood, oil wood, fish, honeybees and etc.
.There are many wild animals, trees, birds, fishes and rivers and cannels in Sundarban. The valume of Sundarban about 6,000 square kilometer.

*Destination of sundarban: District of Bagerhat, Khulna, Shatkhera, are in the north, The bay of Bengal in the South, Barguna district in the East and India border in the West.

*Trees: The forest is very rich in biodiversity. It supports 334 species of trees. There are many trees in the Sundarban, mainly Sunare, Pasur, Bain, Kakra, Kewra, Geoa, Garan, etc.
Besids these , Dhundul, Goalpata, Koromja, Jhana, Amur, Singara, Bola, Orha, Vaila etc.

*Animals: It is The natural habitat of world famous Royal Bengal Tiger, Spoted deer, Barking deer, Lizards, Jungle fowl, Monkey, Wild bore etc.
In the river, Crocodile, Shark, many kinds of Dolphin and Fishes etc.
It has more than 42 species of mammals, 270 species of birds, 120 fishes, 50 species of reptiles.

*It has been declared as the world heritage by the world heritage committee of UNESCO in 1997 and duly endorsed by the gov. of Bangladesh.

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